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John Kerry's Military Records

(From John Kerry's Website,

Military Service Awards [pdf: 1.3MB]
This file contains documents on the awarding of John Kerry's military service awards: 3 Purple Hearts, 1 Bronze Star, and 1 Silver Star.

Acceptance of Discharge Naval Reserve [pdf: 101kb]

Background Information [pdf: 354kb]

Bronze Star [pdf: 301kb]

Bupers Orders To Gridley [pdf: 109kb]

Change of Duty [pdf: 507kb]

DD214 [pdf: 361kb]

DD215 (correction to DD214) [pdf: 113kb]

Duty Recommendation [pdf: 163kb]

Emergency Data [pdf: 1.22MB]

Enlistment Contract [pdf: 217kb]

Enlistment Photo [pdf: 223kb]

Fitness Reports [pdf: 4.68MB]

Honorable Discharge From Reserve [pdf: 111kb]

Leave Record [pdf: 319kb]

National Defense Service Medal [pdf: 97.6kb]

Naval Messages [pdf: 470kb]

Naval OCS Report [pdf: 108kb]

Nuclear Weapons Training Certificate [pdf: 340kb]

Office Order Memos [pdf: 594kb]

Officer Candidate Agreement [pdf: 263kb]

Order to Officer Candidate [pdf: 149kb]

Pay Entry Base Date [pdf: 113kb]

Personnel Casualty Report [pdf: 577kb]

Presidential Unit Citation [pdf: 141kb]

Purple Heart #1 Citation [pdf: 98.3kb]

Purple Heart #2 Citation [pdf: 98.3kb]

Purple Heart #3 Citation [pdf: 103kb]

Qualifications Questionnaire [pdf: 350kb]

Recommendations For Next [pdf: 238kb]

Record of Discharge [pdf: 165kb]

Release From Active Duty [pdf: 537kb]

Report of Home of Record [pdf: 252kb]

Request For History of Service [pdf: 136kb]

Request For Swiftboat Duty [pdf: 122kb]

Research Sheet F4-15 [pdf: 187kb]

Reserve Office Appointment [pdf: 268kb]

Security Clearances [pdf: 1.10MB]

Service_Record [pdf: 98.9kb]

Servicemans Life Insurance [pdf: 183kb]

Silver Star [pdf: 311kb]

Statement of Service 1967 [pdf: 144kb]

Temporary Orders and Ranks [pdf: 1.73MB]

Thrice Wounded Reassignment [pdf: 112kb]

Top Secret Clearance [pdf: 483kb]

Training School Record [pdf: 138kb]

Transfer To Standby Reserve [pdf: 230kb]

Travel Payment Order [pdf: 86.3kb]

Vietnam Service Medal [pdf: 174kb]

George W. Bush's Military Records

Documents Obtained by Walter Robinson, Martin Heldt and other researchers through the Freedom of Information Act:

Getting into the Guard

Statement of understanding (5/27/68): "Satisfactory participation during my membership in the Air National Guard of the United States will be attendance and satisfactory performance of assigned duties at 48 scheduled inactive duty training periods and 15 days' field training (active duty for training) annually, unless excused therefrom by proper authority. It also includes successful completion of on-the-job upgrade training."

(doc26.gif )- Contract of Service (5/27/68)

Agreement (5/28/68): "...I will serve with my parent ANG unit as directed by the unit commander, unless sooner relieved by competent military authority, for a minimum period of five (5) years..."

(doc23.gif )- Penalty for bad attendance (undated)

(doc24.gif ) - Statement of intent: "Flying is lifetime goal." (undated)

Press release (3/24/1970)

Second page of the PR release (3/24/70)


*Memorandum from Lt. Col. Killian to Lt. Col. Harris, 2/2/72 (page two): "Update me as soon as possible on flight certifications - specifically Bath and Bush."

*Memorandum from Lt. Col. Killian to Lt. Bush 5/4/72: "You are ordered to report to Commannder, 111th F.I.S. Ellington AFB, no lather than 14 May 1972 to conduct annual physical examination (flight)..."

*Lt. Col. Killian Memo to File 5/19/72: "I advised him of our investment in him and his commitment."

(doc7.gif ) - First transfer request; Bush applies to transfer with the 9921st in AL, a non-flying unit (5/24/72)

(doc6.gif )- Lt. Colonel Bricken's Response from AL (5/26/72)

(doc25.gif )- TXANG Recommends approval and notification if Bush is assigned to reserves. (6/??/72)

(doc5.gif ) - Air Force HQ Denver disallows transfer (date unclear)

*Lt. Col. Killian Memorandum for Record, 8/1/72: "...suspended from flight status due to failure to perform to USAF/TexANG standards and failure to meet annual physical examination (Flight) as ordered...Officer has made no attempt to meet his training certification or flight physical."

(grounded.gif ) - Bush's suspension from flying; "Reason for Suspension" Failure to accomplish annual medical examination." (9/29/72; confirming verbal orders of 8/1/72) (James Bath is also suspended on this same document.)

(doc2.gif ) - Bush request for temporary transfer to 187th Tac Recon Grp. in AL (Bush letter, 9/5/72)

(doc11.gif )- AL ANG HQ approval for Bush to train with the 187th. (9/15 and 9/29, 1972)

(doc4.gif ) - Annual Officer Effectiveness Report part 1..."Not Observed" in all categories. (5/2/73)

(doc9.gif ) - Annual Officer Effectiveness Report part 2..."Not Observed at this unit during the period of this report." (5/2/73)

(doc17.gif ) - Special Order from Department of the Air Force, Ellington AFB, ordering Bush to perform 9 days duty in May/June 1973. (5/1/73)

*Memo from Killian, recipient not noted, 6/24/73 (see p. 6): "I got a call from your office today concerning the evaluation of 1st Lt. Bush...Neither Lt. Col Harris or I feel we can rate 1st Lt. Bush since he was not training with 111th F.I.S. since April 1972..."

(doc12.gif )- USAF requests more information on Officer Effectiveness Report; "This Officer should have been reassigned in May 1972 since he is no longer training in his AFSC or with his unit of assignment." (6/29/73)

*Killian Memo to File, 8/18/73: "Harris gave me a message from Grp today regarding Bush's OETR and Staudt is pushing to sugar coat it. Bush wasn't here during rating period and I don't have any feedback from 187th in Alabama. I will not rate. Austin is not happy today either."

(doc28.gif )- Major Martin replies; "Not rated for the period 1 May 72 through 30 Apr 73. Report not available for administrative reasons." (11/12/73)

1972-1973 Days Credited:

(Boy, that document sure has gone through the wash a few times! Wonder what's on the original microfiche?)

(doc16.gif ) - 1973 days credited. (undated, unsigned)

Getting Out of the Guard

(Doc20.gif ) - Bush request for discharge from Texas Air National Guard and Transfer to inactive reserves - Bush letter (9/5/73)

(doc27.gif ) - Request Discharge recommended for approval by Col. Killian (9/6/73)

(doc10.gif ) - Chronological Listing of Service (undated; last entry 10/1/73)

(ang22.gif ) - Bush discharge papers (10/1/73)

(Doc21.gif )- Texas Air National Guard OK for transfer to inactive reserves (10/16/73)

(doc14.gif ) - "Military Biography" of George W. Bush (unsigned, undated - no mention of Alabama)

Documents Released by the White House February 10, 2004:

Jan. 6, 1973 USAF Dental Exam Record for 1st Lt. George W. Bush

Memorandum of Lt. Col. Albert C. Lloyd, Jr. (Ret.) (Analysis of Military Payroll Records for George W. Bush for service from 1972 to 1973) (undated memorandum)

USAF Reserve Personnel Record Card for 1st Lt. George W. Bush (Covers period from 27 May 1972 to 26 May 1973)

ARF 1st Statement of Points Earned by 1st Lt. George W. Bush (1972-1973)

ARF 2nd Statement of Points Earned by 1st Lt. George W. Bush (1973)

Military Payroll Records of 1st Lt. George W. Bush (1972-1973)

Here is box 24 from Senator John Kerry's DD214:

Here is Box 24 from George Bush's ANG-22:

"TAFMS" and "TAFCS" - are those awards or citations? Or are they incomplete, whited-out records of total days served? Did George Bush ever receive the Texas Fatihful Service Medal, which was awarded for five years of honorable service? If not, why not?

Mother Jones also provides a detailed side-by-side chart here.

Here's another chart from showing a side-by-side timeline: Where was Bush?

Know of other documents that should be listed here? Please email webmaster - at - Still missing are:

* The origin of these six documents has been called into question and cannot be accurately determined at this time. Marion Carr Knox, secretary to Jerry Killian at the time, said that the documents are not authentic; however, "...the information in here was correct, but it was picked up from the real ones." It's also quite revealing that the White House, having no reason to doubt the authenticity of the memos, also released the documents to the press. On the 60 Minutes II broadcast in question, the White House also did not challenge the accuracy of the information in the memos - only later did they challenge the provenance of the documents themselves.

If what the memos reported was damaging to Bush, then the information is still damaging because it was based on the real documents and regulations.

 Suspension of Flight status
1. On this date I ordered that 1st Lt. Bush be suspended from flight status due to failure to perform to USAF/TexANG standards and failure to meet annual physical examination (flight) as ordered.

 2. I conveyed my verbal orders to commander; 147th Ftr Intrcp Gp with request for orders for suspension and convening of a flight review board IAW AFM 35-13.

 3. I recommended transfer of this officer to the 9921st Air Reserve Squadron in May and forwarded his AF Form 1288 to 147th Ftr Intrcp Gp headquarters. The transfer was not allowed. Officer has made no attempt to meet his training certification or flight physical. Officer expresses desire to transfer out of state including assignment to non-flying billets. 

4. On recommendation of Harris, I also suggested that we fill this critical billet with a more seasoned pilot from the list of qualified Vietnam pilots that have rotated. Recommendations were received but not confirmed.

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